Haynes s/n 14942

Restorer’s Special

Wm. S. Haynes Flute serial #14942, made in 1937. Solid sterling silver, Regular model, Y-arms, drawn tone holes, closed hole, offset G, Bb shake, .018", forged keys and touches, adjustment screws, gold springs, C-foot, 2 silver end caps, silver grease case, felt pads, traditional scale.

Vintage Regular Model Haynes flutes represent the best value for a silver flute currently available on the market. Contrary to common believe, the Regular Model Haynes flute was not a cheap instrument, being priced only at a 15% discount compared to the Handmade Model. Unlike some contemporary imports bearing the Haynes or Powell names, vintage Regular Model Haynes were all made in the Boston workshop by expert American craftsmen.

Haynes #14942 is not in playing condition due to old pads. All the keys move up and down, no dents, some tarnish. It will need an overhaul. It has the hard to find accessories including the silver end caps and a priceless silver grease case. It comes in its original case in fair condition.

Maker’s mark and serial number on body only. Monogram on headjoint.

The embouchure hole measures 10.3 x 11.8 mm.

Sounding length is 603 mm.

Headjoint length is 8-7/8”.

The flute weighs 441 grams.

Please see detailed photos below.

Price is $650 USD, $35 shipping winthin USA.



















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